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Percentages Calculator [Download]

Percentages Calculator is a perfect calculating tool for everybody, whether you are good at math, or not. Simply open Percentages Calculator on your device and have the number that you are looking for within seconds! Find the percent of a number, find the percentage of a part value, increase a number by a percentage, decrease

Percentages Calculator is a perfect calculating tool for everybody, whether you are good at math, or not. Simply open Percentages Calculator on your device and have the number that you are looking for within seconds!

Find the percent of a number, find the percentage of a part value, increase a number by a percentage, decrease a number by a percentage, etc. Percentages Calculator will become your right hand app.

How to use:

To calculate the percentage you are searching for just type the number and have a result. It is so simple and doesn’t require a lot of efforts.

Use Percentages Calculator to simplify your everyday math activities. Experience this tool today – work out percentage equations within just a few clicks.
System Requirements:Processor:  AllRAM:  1 GbHard Disk:  100 Mb

Product Features

  • Powerful but simple tool
  • Comprehensive percentage functions
  • Easy-to-use application
  • Optimized specially for Mac