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MindTap Art for Gardner’s Art through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition, 15th Edition

Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781305881808) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781305947405) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor. As a student using MindTap Art for Gardner’s ART THROUGH THE

Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISBN-13 does not match this product (9781305881808) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781305947405) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor.

As a student using MindTap Art for Gardner’s ART THROUGH THE AGES: A GLOBAL HISTORY, ENHANCED EDITION, you have the tools you need to better manage your limited time, with the ability to complete assignments whenever and wherever you are ready to learn. Course material that is specially customized for you by your instructor in a proven, easy-to-use interface, keeps you engaged and active in the course. MindTap helps you achieve better grades today by cultivating a true understanding of course concepts, and with a mobile app to keep you on track. With a wide array of course specific tools and apps—from note taking to flashcards—you can feel confident that MindTap is a worthwhile and valuable investment in your education. MindTap is the first image-led educational software for art that keeps the core content—the artwork—at the forefront of study. This image-first digital experience will help you discover the history and meaning of art with a visually rich eBook that places the art, surrounding discussion and curated content all on the same two-page spread. Zoom in on and expand image details, explore curated content such as videos and architectural panoramas, visit significant locations of the works of art and architecture via Google Maps, and more—all without losing your place in the discussion.

Instructor Assigned: Please be aware that the product you are purchasing is usable only if assigned by your instructor. If your instructor has not assigned this product, you should not continue with your purchase.^p