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LearnSmart for Teaching Physical Education for Learning

Teaching Physical Education for Learning shows teaching as an interactive, content-specific process. Focusing on physical education from kindergarten through grade 12, this user-friendly text emphasizes teaching strategies and theories to give future teachers a foundation for designing effective learning experiences. McGraw-Hill LearnSmart is an intelligent learning system that uses a series of adaptive questions to

Teaching Physical Education for Learning shows teaching as an interactive, content-specific process. Focusing on physical education from kindergarten through grade 12, this user-friendly text emphasizes teaching strategies and theories to give future teachers a foundation for designing effective learning experiences.

McGraw-Hill LearnSmart is an intelligent learning system that uses a series of adaptive questions to pinpoint each student’s knowledge gaps. LearnSmart then provides an optimal learning path for each student, so that they spend less time in areas they already know and more time in areas they don’t. The result is that LearnSmart’s adaptive learning path helps students retain more knowledge, learn faster, and study more efficiently

System Requirements:

Supported OS: Windows 8 Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP  Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion

Product Features

  • A study tool companion to your textbook or eBook
  • Makes your study time more efficient by focusing on the topics you where need the most help
  • Proven to help students earn a better grade in their courses
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