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Premium Web Site for Campbell/Scott-Kassner’s Music in Childhood: From Preschool through the Elementary Grades, 4th Edition

Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISNB-13 does not match this product (9781285159836) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781285159843) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor. The online resource center provides a wealth of resources for the

Please check the ISBN that your instructor provided. If the ISNB-13 does not match this product (9781285159836) or its Printed Access Card equivalent (9781285159843) this may not be the correct product. In some cases, you may also require a course code from your Instructor.

The online resource center provides a wealth of resources for the music education student and includes professionally produced audio files of over 60 songs from the text. This edition contains many new songs, including some from Latino cultures. You can download the files to any MP3 player or computer, which not only helps you become familiar with the music but also gives you a head start on creating your own music library. In addition, new video segments show students in the classroom setting, providing future educators with real-life example of how these techniques are utilized in class.

Product Features

  • ISBN: 9781285159836
  • Access to this product is valid for 180 days after initial login. After this period, this product can be viewed under the “view expired” link in your CengageBrain account.