Preschool Playtime CD-ROM Vol 1 Early Intervention Social Skills for Toddlers, Nursery School and Kindergarten Children Ages 3-7

Preschool Playtime Volume 1 teaches the young child (toddler, nursery school, kindergarten) basic manners and behaviors such as greetings, interrupting, listening, waiting and apologizing through real-life social situations like a day at the park, in preschool or going to a play date. Just by regular use of this fun software tool, children aged 3-7 can

Preschool Playtime Volume 1 teaches the young child (toddler, nursery school, kindergarten) basic manners and behaviors such as greetings, interrupting, listening, waiting and apologizing through real-life social situations like a day at the park, in preschool or going to a play date. Just by regular use of this fun software tool, children aged 3-7 can rapidly improve a full spectrum of friendship skills and play skills, including taking turns, sharing, requesting, cooperating and following directions.

Product Features

  • Taking turns
    Play skills

Automation templates